1. The presence of blood serum has a decided inhibitory effect on autolysis. Thus in the normal unwashed organs the non-coagulable nitrogen increase was 100 to 300 per cent., while in the washed it amounted to 450 per cent. The washed necrotic livers showed an increase of from 600 to 850 per cent., while that of the unwashed necrotic was only slightly above the normal unwashed.
2. While the initial amount of non-coagulable nitrogen varies it is greater in those livers showing the more extensive forms of necrosis. The final amount of autolysis is also greatest in livers of this type. As regards the rate of autolysis fifty per cent. of the total occurs in the first day in the normal and in all types of lesions both washed and unwashed. The maximum is usually reached on the third day in the unwashed, while in the washed there is a continued increase to the eighth day. At this time in the necrotic livers about two to three times as much of the total nitrogen is in the form of non-coagulable nitrogen as in the normal.
3. In the necrotic tissue the initial controls show the content of monamino-acids, with one exception, to be practically doubled. In the washed necrotic the final amount is seventy per cent. of the total nitrogen against forty-six to fifty-seven per cent. in the washed normal. In all cases the monamino-acid nitrogen runs parallel to the nitrogen in non-coagulable form, but in relation to the total nitrogen it shows a greater increase in the washed than in the unwashed organs.
4. The ammonia production in the necrotic livers as shown by the partition experiments is greater than that in the normal and this increase corresponds to that of the non-coagulable nitrogen. In the experiments concerning the absolute production of ammonia in the presence of serum a greater amount was produced in the two and five hours' lesions than in the normal livers. On the other hand, the forty-eight hour diffuse necrosis equaled the normal and the focal fell below.
5. Arginase was obtained from normal but could not be isolated from necrotic livers.
6. No constant relation could be demonstrated between the anatomical lesion in the liver and the presence of leucin and tyrosin in the urine. Leucin was found occasionally in the urine, but none in the liver. On the other hand, tyrosin was constantly present in livers with diffuse but rarely in those with focal necrosis. In the instances of diffuse necrosis in which the liver and urine of the same animal were examined tyrosin was found in both.
7. The presence of large amounts of proteoses in the necrotic liver indicates that the elimination of these substances (colloidal nitrogen of Salkowski) under such circumstances may account for a part of the total nitrogen of the urine usually attributed to the monamino-acids.