1. A study has been made of the effects of resistance to respiration in the inspiratory and expiratory phases.
2. Resistance to inspiration caused an increase in respiratory rate, a decrease in tidal air, and in most instances a severe limitation of the minute volume of pulmonary ventilation. Anoxemia and acidosis accompanied these changes.
3. When resistance was removed the respiratory rate continued to be rapid, but the tidal air and minute volume increased. As a result of this there was a fall in pCO2, a rise in pH, and in some cases a complete disappearance of anoxemia.
3. Resistance to expiration slowed the respiratory rate and produced a constant decrease in the minute volume of pulmonary ventilation. Anoxemia and carbon dioxide retention occurred, but were less pronounced than in the inspiratory experiments. Release of resistance to expiration resulted in a return of all functions to their normal, or approximately normal, levels.
4. A difference in the gross pulmonary pathology found at autopsy in these two types of experiments has been described, and an attempt has been made to correlate changes in function with changes in structure.
5. No direct evidence has been supplied for the liability to fatigue of the respiratory center.