1. We have confirmed the results of previous workers on tetrachlorphthalein, fibrinogen, and lipase.
2. The total non-protein nitrogen, urea, and amino-acids of the blood serum show a definite and sometimes marked increase in phosphorus poisoning. These changes are not so evident in chloroform poisoning, although they sometimes occur. They are usually terminal phenomena.
3. The urinary nitrogen partition between the urea, ammonia, and amino-acids is not always disturbed. The most important changes which occur are an increased amino nitrogen in chloroform and phosphorus poisoning, and a very low urea nitrogen percentage in severe fatal chloroform poisoning.
4. Sugar tolerance towards galactose and levulose is in general markedly decreased in both types of poisoning.
5. In phosphorus poisoning liver functional changes can and do occur without concomitant renal changes. Renal insufficiency usually arises as a terminal event.
6. Increased nitrogenous products in the blood (total non-protein nitrogen, urea, and amino nitrogen) are associated with an increase of these bodies in the urine. Consequently, an increased protein catabolism, as well as renal insufficiency, is necessary to explain this accumulation.
7. A terminal acidosis, as evidenced by increased hydrogen ion concentration in the blood, usually occurs.