Subcutaneous injections of adrenalin are, in contrast with its behavior in the production of the other effects of that drug, more favorable to the production of glycosuria in rabbits than intramuscular injections; the failures are fewer and the quantities of dextrose in the urine are generally larger. In general, as regards the stimulation of diuresis by adrenalin, a subcutaneous injection exerts generally a greater effect than an intramuscular one.

Subcutaneous injections of a certain dose of adrenalin distributed over several areas are far less effective than the administration of that dose in a single injection; they fail frequently to produce any glycosuria, the quantity of dextrose in the urine, when present, being less, and the quantity of urine being generally diminished.

Apparently the more slowly the injected adrenalin reaches the blood, the greater is its effect in producing glycosuria and generally, also, the greater its diuretic action.

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