Genes encoding the accessory molecules CD8 and CD4 are activated early in thymocyte development, generating CD4+8+ double positive intermediates, which give rise to two functionally distinct mature T cell subsets that express either CD4 or CD8. The mechanisms that govern the activation or suppression of the CD8 gene are likely to be central to the T cell development program. To identify the key regulatory factors, we have initiated an analysis of the transcriptional regulation of the murine CD8 alpha gene. We have identified three CD8+ cell-specific DNAase I hypersensitive sites (HSS) located upstream of the murine CD8 alpha gene. In vitro mobility shift analysis of the -4.0-kb HSS region has revealed multiple binding sites for the T cell-restricted transcription factor GATA-3. In vitro translated murine GATA-3 binds specifically to both CD8 GATA sites, and coexpression of this factor in transient transfection assays transactivates a reporter construct containing these sequences. These results provide the first evidence for the role of a T cell-restricted factor in the regulation of either CD8 or CD4 genes.
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1 September 1993
September 01 1993
Functional GATA-3 binding sites within murine CD8 alpha upstream regulatory sequences.
D B Landry,
D B Landry
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
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J D Engel,
J D Engel
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
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R Sen
R Sen
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
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D B Landry
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
J D Engel
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
R Sen
Rosenstiel Basic Sciences Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1993) 178 (3): 941–949.
D B Landry, J D Engel, R Sen; Functional GATA-3 binding sites within murine CD8 alpha upstream regulatory sequences.. J Exp Med 1 September 1993; 178 (3): 941–949. doi:
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