Incubation of the human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-IIIB and HTLV-RF strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) with normal seronegative human serum under conditions that allow complement activation resulted in enhancement of infection of the MT2 human T cell line cultured in the presence of low amounts of virus. Infection of MT2 cells was assessed by measuring reverse transcriptase activity in supernatants at day 9 of culture. Complement activation by viral suspensions occurred through the alternative pathway. Opsonization of HTLV-RF viral particles with complement was sufficient to allow a productive infection to occur in cells exposed to suboptimal amounts of virus. Infection of MT2 cells with suboptimal amounts of serum-opsonized HIV-1 was suppressed by blocking the C3dg receptor (CR2, CD21) on MT2 cells with monoclonal anti-CR2 antibody and rabbit F(ab')2 anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibodies. Blocking of the gp120-binding site on CD4 under similar experimental conditions had no inhibitory effect on infection of MT2 cells with opsonized virus. Opsonization of HIV-1 with seronegative serum also resulted in a CR2-mediated enhancement of the infection of normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells and T lymphocytes. These results indicate that complement in the absence of antibody may enhance infection of C3 receptor-bearing T cells with HIV-1, and that the interaction of opsonized virus with the CR2 receptor may result by itself in the infection of target T cells in a CD4- and antibody-independent fashion.
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1 May 1991
May 01 1991
Complement mediates human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of a human T cell line in a CD4- and antibody-independent fashion.
V Boyer,
V Boyer
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
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C Desgranges,
C Desgranges
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
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M A Trabaud,
M A Trabaud
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
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E Fischer,
E Fischer
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
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M D Kazatchkine
M D Kazatchkine
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
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V Boyer
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
C Desgranges
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
M A Trabaud
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
E Fischer
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
M D Kazatchkine
Unité de Recherche sur les Hépatites, le SIDA, et les Rétrovirus Humains, INSERM U 271, Lyon, France.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1991) 173 (5): 1151–1158.
V Boyer, C Desgranges, M A Trabaud, E Fischer, M D Kazatchkine; Complement mediates human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of a human T cell line in a CD4- and antibody-independent fashion.. J Exp Med 1 May 1991; 173 (5): 1151–1158. doi:
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