We have examined TCR V beta expression in a collection of wild mice. Many of the mice were homozygous for a large deletion at the V beta locus, and many animals also suppressed expression of several V betas using self superantigens. Expression of V beta 8.2 was unexpectedly suppressed by a self superantigen in some wild mice, which was due to the presence in these animals of a variant V beta 8.2 gene. The amino acid changes in this gene product suggest contact sites between V beta and the superantigen. Although all V betas are expressed within each wild mouse population, individual mice have a limited and variable V beta repertoire. The independent origin of multiple V beta deletions and the presence of polymorphic self superantigens suggest that this variation may be maintained by balancing selection.
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1 January 1990
January 01 1990
Surprisingly uneven distribution of the T cell receptor V beta repertoire in wild mice.
A M Pullen,
A M Pullen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
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W Potts,
W Potts
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
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E K Wakeland,
E K Wakeland
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
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J Kappler,
J Kappler
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
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P Marrack
P Marrack
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
Search for other works by this author on:
A M Pullen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
W Potts
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
E K Wakeland
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
J Kappler
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
P Marrack
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Denver, Colorado 80206.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1990) 171 (1): 49–62.
A M Pullen, W Potts, E K Wakeland, J Kappler, P Marrack; Surprisingly uneven distribution of the T cell receptor V beta repertoire in wild mice.. J Exp Med 1 January 1990; 171 (1): 49–62. doi: https://doi.org/10.1084/jem.171.1.49
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