We analyzed the V gamma and V delta gene usage in TCR-gamma/delta-bearing T cell clones isolated from human peripheral blood and postnatal thymus using V-specific mAbs and Southern and Northern analyses. In peripheral blood most of the gamma/delta cells express the V gamma 9-JP-C gamma 1 chain paired with a delta chain bearing the V delta 2 gene product. This heterodimer is very rare in the postnatal thymus, where a different and less restricted pairing of V gamma 9 and V delta 2 chains is found. These findings indicate that physical constraints cannot explain the overrepresentation of a particular V gamma 9-JP/V delta 2 heterodimer in the peripheral blood, and we discuss alternative mechanisms that may account for this differential distribution. In addition, this analysis allowed us to map the specificity of the delta TCS1 mAb to V delta 1-J delta 1 and to identify at least five different expressed V delta genes.
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1 November 1989
November 01 1989
Molecular analysis of human gamma/delta+ clones from thymus and peripheral blood.
G Casorati,
G Casorati
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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G De Libero,
G De Libero
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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A Lanzavecchia,
A Lanzavecchia
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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N Migone
N Migone
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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G Casorati
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
G De Libero
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
A Lanzavecchia
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
N Migone
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1989) 170 (5): 1521–1535.
G Casorati, G De Libero, A Lanzavecchia, N Migone; Molecular analysis of human gamma/delta+ clones from thymus and peripheral blood.. J Exp Med 1 November 1989; 170 (5): 1521–1535. doi: https://doi.org/10.1084/jem.170.5.1521
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