Rabbits from a variant strain called BASILEA, in which homozygotes express only lambda-type chains and heterozygotes have normal kappa/lambda ratios, were hyperimmunized with a streptococcal group A variant vaccine. Homozygotes (bas/bas) produced antibodies with lambda-chains, heterozygotes, however, produced predominantly antibodies with kappa-chains. The incidence of restricted high responders in the BASILEA strain was high; it was probably introduced by the original mutant rather than by the loss of kappa-chains (founder effect). The degree of heterogeneity of homozygotes is similar to the heterogeneity of heterozygotes, and to that of rabbits expressing kappa-chains. This suggests that in the rabbit, the repertoire of lambda-chain genes is of similar size to that of kappa-chain genes.
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1 November 1977
November 01 1977
Antibody response to the streptococcal group A-variant polysaccharide in BASILEA rabbits lacking kappa-polypeptide chains.
S Weiss
A S Kelus
D G Braun
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1977) 146 (5): 1195–1205.
S Weiss, A S Kelus, D G Braun; Antibody response to the streptococcal group A-variant polysaccharide in BASILEA rabbits lacking kappa-polypeptide chains.. J Exp Med 1 November 1977; 146 (5): 1195–1205. doi: https://doi.org/10.1084/jem.146.5.1195
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