The effects of heterologous rabbit anti-mouse lymphocyte antiserum on the morphology of lymphoid and other tissues was investigated in CBA mice.

The lymphoid tissues exhibited characteristic changes specific for ALS treatment, which were an invariable accompaniment to its immunosuppressive effects. These consisted of peripheral lymphopenia occurring at some time during a course of ALS treatment and persistent depletion of small lymphocytes in lymph node paracortical areas and splenic follicular periarteriolar zones. The thymic histology was generally well preserved.

It is suggested that the relevant lesions reflect a rapid depletion of the pool of recirculating lymphocytes, possibly by a primary cytotoxic effect exerted on cells peripheral to lymphoid tissue.

Other histologic features attendant to the administration of ALS were accounted for as consequences of immunization of ALS recipients to rabbit serum constituents or by the deleterious effects of antibodies directed against tissues other than lymphoid cells.

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