Intradermal injection of a simple hapten (e.g., 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) in water-in-oil emulsion results in contact hypersensitivity to surface application of the homologous hapten and, after appearance of circulating antibody, in Arthus type hypersensitivity to a conjugate of homologous hapten with guinea pig serum. Intradermal administration of this conjugate induces delayed and subsequently Arthus hypersensitivity to the conjugate, but no evidence of a contact reaction to the hapten alone. When a conjugate of hapten plus solubilized guinea pig skin is used as the sensitizing antigen, both contact hypersensitivity to the hapten and delayed and/or Arthus reactions to the conjugate develop. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the specificity of contact sensitivity is directed toward some particular protein of the skin which has been modified by combination with hapten.

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