There has been described a previously unrecognized disease of mice, characterized by progressive jaundice, first appearing during the nursing period. This has been shown to be due to congenital absence of the terminal segment of the common bile duct, or to the absence of intrahepatic ducts. In the former case, there is distension of the cystic and hepatic ducts, and of the gall bladder, with mucoid material. Biliary cirrhosis and infarct-like areas of necrosis are commonly found in the liver. The cause of the necroses has not been positively determined, but it is suggested that they result from defective arteriolization of the hepatic parenchyma. Inflammatory lesions of the biliary passages, when present, are attributed to secondary bacterial infection. Protozoan-like parasites were present in the gastric epithelium of all mice examined. Their relationship to the biliary and hepatic lesions is as yet undetermined.

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