A study has been made of Aplysia nerve cells, mainly in the pleural ganglia, in which the main axon divides into at least two branches in the neighbourhood of the soma. Conduction between these branches was investigated by intracellular recordings from the soma following antidromic stimulation via the nerves containing the axonal branches. It has been shown that transmission between separate branches need not involve discharge of the soma but only of the axonal region between the soma and the origin of the branches. In some cells, the spike may fail to invade the other axonal branch, whereas transmission in the opposite direction is readily achieved. Often spikes in none of the branches are transmitted to the others, unless facilitated. Indications about the geometry of the neuron in the vicinity of the soma may be obtained from the study of the relative size of the A spikes originated in different branches. These observations, together with the presence of different sizes of A spikes, produced by orthodromic stimulation, provide evidence that spikes initiated at separate axonal "trigger zones" of Aplysia neurons may be conducted selectively to the effectors or other neurons innervated by the particular branch.
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1 January 1963
January 01 1963
Modes of Initiation and Propagation of Spikes in the Branching Axons of Molluscan Central Neurons
L. Tauc,
L. Tauc
Centre d'Etudes de Physiologie nerveuse du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and Institut de Biologie marine, Arcachon, France.
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G. M. Hughes
G. M. Hughes
Centre d'Etudes de Physiologie nerveuse du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and Institut de Biologie marine, Arcachon, France.
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L. Tauc
Centre d'Etudes de Physiologie nerveuse du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and Institut de Biologie marine, Arcachon, France.
G. M. Hughes
Centre d'Etudes de Physiologie nerveuse du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and Institut de Biologie marine, Arcachon, France.
Dr. Hughes' present address is the Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, England
July 09 1962
Online ISSN: 1540-7748
Print ISSN: 0022-1295
Copyright ©, 1963, by The Rockefeller Institute Press
J Gen Physiol (1963) 46 (3): 533–549.
Article history
July 09 1962
L. Tauc, G. M. Hughes; Modes of Initiation and Propagation of Spikes in the Branching Axons of Molluscan Central Neurons . J Gen Physiol 1 January 1963; 46 (3): 533–549. doi: https://doi.org/10.1085/jgp.46.3.533
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