Meprobamate was administered intravenously to spinal cats, in cumulative doses of 30 to 40 mg./kg. each. Initial doses may have a variable action on monosynaptic reflexes. At times some reflexes are depressed, while others are enhanced or unaffected. When dose levels of 100 mg./kg. or higher are reached, monosynaptic reflexes, both flexor and extensor, are depressed. Monosynaptic reflexes can be strongly depressed by meprobamate, their input-output relations often remaining unchanged. In such cases there is thus no change in the spatial summation requirements of those motoneurons remaining in the excitable zone. Inhibitory pathways, both direct and disynaptic, are highly resistant to the action of meprobamate. The drug does not distinguish between the direct and disynaptic pathways. It is suggested that meprobamate acts as a general depressant of excitatory synaptic transmission.

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