As an aid in the interpretation of the physiological properties of unmedullated nerve fibers, particularly those having their cells of origin in the dorsal root ganglia, more precise information about their morphology has been acquired through employment of the electron microscope.
The appearance of the fibers in the skin nerves is described, with special reference to the structure of their sheaths; and a notation is made about the bearing of the axon-sheath relationship on the biophysical mechanism of conduction (p. 714).
There is no basic difference between the sheath systems of the d.r.C and the s.C fibers.
Attention is called to a point of similarity between the sheaths of unmyelinated and myelinated axons (p. 715).
An assessment was made of the likelihood of interaction between the fibers. In action potentials showing temporal dispersion at several distances, the elevations appeared in their calculated positions. A model of a group of Schwann sheaths was constructed from successive electron microscope sections, showing that the lengths of the sheath branches are short in comparison with the wave lengths of the action potentials. Supported by these and other considerations, the argument is strongly in favor of the conclusion that among d.r.C fibers, as in other fibers, there is no cross-excitation between the axons.
A new analysis of the size distribution of the fibers in a sural nerve was made from electron microscope pictures; and from the measurements the action potential was constructed. The result confirmed the view, previously expressed, that the velocities of conduction in the fibers can be precisely accounted for by multiplying the diameters by a constant.
In the dorsal roots, the striking change that takes place in the appearance of the fibers and their disposition in the Schwann sheaths can be seen in Fig. 11. The axons partake of the special properties of the peripheral branches, which necessitated the creation of the subdivision of d.r.C fibers. But, their diameters are much smaller. At a set of reduced conduction velocities the configuration of the compound action potential in the nerves is repeated in the roots, with the root velocities still conforming to the size-velocity rule derived from nerve axons.