Absorption curves have been obtained in the spectral region of 450 to 900 mµ for the water soluble cell juice of four species of photosynthetic bacteria, Spirillum rubrum (strain S1), Rhodovibrio sp. (strain Gaffron), Phaeomonas sp. (strain Delft), and Streptococcus varians (strains C11 and orig.).
These curves all show maxima at 790 and 590 mµ due to bacteriochlorophyll, whose highest band, however, occurs at 875, 855, or 840 mµ depending on the species. The bacteria that appear red rather than brown have a band at 550 mµ due to a carotinoid pigment. An absolute absorption curve of bacteriophaeophytin has maxima at 530 and 750 mµ.
The extraction of cell juice by supersonic vibration does not change the position of the absorption bands or of the light absorbing capacity of the pigment.