Formulae are derived for the time-intensity relations for stimulation by direct currents using the following hypotheses: first, the current produces an excitatory effect whose rate of growth is proportional to the voltage; and second, the tissue reacts toward the normal state at a rate proportional to the amount of excitation. If p represents the local excitatory process numerically, the hypotheses are represented by the differential equation
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where K and k are constants and V the applied voltage. For the stimulus to be adequate it is assumed that p must be built up to a certain liminal value. It appears as a deduction from the data that this liminal value is a function of the voltage of the form h ± αV where h and α are constants. α is zero or negligible for certain electrodes. αV is a measure of electrotonus or a similar phenomenon. Experimental data are discussed and are shown to agree satisfactorily with the derived formulae for stimulation both at the anode and cathode.