It is widely believed that Ba2+ currents carried through L-type Ca2+ channels inactivate by a voltage- dependent mechanism similar to that described for other voltage-dependent channels. Studying ionic and gating currents of rabbit cardiac Ca2+ channels expressed in different subunit combinations in tsA201 cells, we found a phase of Ba2+ current decay with characteristics of ion-dependent inactivation. Upon a long duration (20 s) depolarizing pulse, IBa decayed as the sum of two exponentials. The slow phase (τ ≈ 6 s, 21°C) was parallel to a reduction of gating charge mobile at positive voltages, which was determined in the same cells. The fast phase of current decay (τ ≈ 600 ms), involving about 50% of total decay, was not accompanied by decrease of gating currents. Its amplitude depended on voltage with a characteristic U-shape, reflecting reduction of inactivation at positive voltages. When Na+ was used as the charge carrier, decay of ionic current followed a single exponential, of rate similar to that of the slow decay of Ba2+ current. The reduction of Ba2+ current during a depolarizing pulse was not due to changes in the concentration gradients driving ion movement, because Ba2+ entry during the pulse did not change the reversal potential for Ba2+. A simple model of Ca2+-dependent inactivation (Shirokov, R., R. Levis, N. Shirokova, and E. Ríos. 1993. J. Gen. Physiol. 102:1005–1030) robustly accounts for fast Ba2+ current decay assuming the affinity of the inactivation site on the α1 subunit to be 100 times lower for Ba2+ than Ca2+.
Ion-dependent Inactivation of Barium Current through L-type Calcium Channels
Address correspondence to Roman Shirokov, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology, Rush University School of Medicine, 1750 W. Harrison St., Suite 1279JS, Chicago, IL 60612. Fax: 312-942-8711; E-mail: [email protected]
The tsA201 cell lines were a gift of Dr. M.M. Hosey (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL). The L-type Ca2+ channels cDNA sequences were gifts of Drs. E. Perez-Reyes (Loyola University, Maywood, IL) and M.M. Hosey. We thank Andy Chien, Tipu Puri and M.M. Hosey (Northwestern) for supplying the rabbit cardiomyocytes.
The horizontal transitions in schemei are voltage dependent, with rate constant kRP,AP = a1exp{(V − V1)/2K − b[(V − V1)/2K]2}, where V1 is a transition voltage and K a steepness factor, the rate constant of the reverse transition is equal to kRP,AP exp{(V1 − V)/K}, and the rate constants between states RI and AI were calculated similarly, with a2 and V2 substituted for a1 and V1. a1 = 100 s−1, a2 = 33 s−1, V1 = 0 mV, V2 = −80 mV, K = 8 mV, and b = 0.1. The inactivation rate constants were: kAP,AI = 0.15 s−1, kAI,AP = 0.05 s−1. The rates of recovery from inactivation were set to satisfy kinetics of recovery, kRP,RI + kRI,RP = 20 s−1, and microscopic reversibility, kRI,RP/kRP,RI = (kAP,AI/kAI,AP)exp [(V1 − V2)/2K ].
Dr. Ferreira's permanent address is Dept. Biofisica, Facultad de Medicina, Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr. Shirokov's permanent address is A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine.
Parameters of schemeii were: kCMe,C = 1 s−1, kUMe,U = 0.01 s−1, kC,U = 100 s−1, kU,C = 1,000 s−1, kUMe,CMe = 1,000 s−1, kCMe,UMe = 1 s−1. kC,CMe = kU,UMe = 106 M−1s−1 for Ca2+ and 104 M−1s−1 for Ba2+.
Single channel currents in Ba2+ and Ca2+ were 0.6 and 0.3 pA, respectively, at 20 mV and saturating [Me2+]e. At other voltages and [Me2+]e = 10 mM, the amplitude of single channel current was calculated as XV{(exp[−V/12 mV])/(1 − exp[(−V/12 mV])} × {[Me2+]e/([Me2+]e + 14 mM)}, where X is 0.08 pA for Ca2+ and 0.16 pA for Ba2+.
Total current was calculated as N × Po × i, where Po is the probability that the three gates are in their permissive states. N was 125,000, corresponding to ≈25 channels/μm2 in a cell of Cm = 50 pF. The channels generated both ionic and gating currents, in parallel with Cm and in series with resistance Rs = 5 MΩ. (The computer program can be obtained by E-mail requests to [email protected])
Gonzalo Ferreira, Jianxun Yi, Eduardo Ríos, Roman Shirokov; Ion-dependent Inactivation of Barium Current through L-type Calcium Channels . J Gen Physiol 1 April 1997; 109 (4): 449–461. doi:
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