The interaction of large depolarization and dihydropyridine Ca2+ agonists, both of which are known to enhance L-type Ca2+ channel current, was examined using a conventional whole-cell clamp technique. In guinea pig detrusor cells, only L-type Ca2+ channels occur. A second open state (long open state: O2) of the Ca2+ channels develops during large depolarization (at +80 mV, without Ca2+ agonists). This was judged from lack of inactivation of the Ca2+ channel current during the large depolarizing steps (5 s) and slowly deactivating inward tail currents (= 10-15 ms) upon repolarization of the cell membrane to the holding potential (-60 mV). Application of Bay K 8644 (in 2.4 mM Ca(2+)-containing solutions) increased the amplitude of the Ca2+ currents evoked by simple depolarizations, and made it possible to observe inward tail currents (= 2.5-5 ms at -60 mV). The open state induced by large depolarization (O2*) in the Bay K 8644 also seemed hardly to inactivate. After preconditioning with large depolarizing steps, the decay time course of the inward tail currents upon repolarization to the holding potential (-60 mV) was significantly slowed, and could be fitted reasonably with two exponentials. The fast and slow time constants were 10 and 45 ms, respectively, after 2 s preconditioning depolarizations. Qualitatively the same results were obtained using Ba2+ as a charge carrier. Although the amplitudes of the inward currents observed in the test step and the subsequent repolarization to the holding potential were decreased in the same manner by additional application of nifedipine (in the presence of Bay K 8644), the very slow deactivation time course of the tail current was little changed. The additive enhancement by large depolarization and Ca2+ agonists of the inward tail current implies that two mechanisms separately induce long opening of the Ca2+ channels: i.e., that there are four open states.
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1 December 1995
December 01 1995
Interaction of Ca2+ agonist and depolarization on Ca2+ channel current in guinea pig detrusor cells.
S Nakayama,
S Nakayama
University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, United Kingdom.
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A F Brading
A F Brading
University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, United Kingdom.
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S Nakayama
University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, United Kingdom.
A F Brading
University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Online ISSN: 1540-7748
Print ISSN: 0022-1295
J Gen Physiol (1995) 106 (6): 1211–1224.
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Corrected article
S Nakayama, A F Brading; Interaction of Ca2+ agonist and depolarization on Ca2+ channel current in guinea pig detrusor cells.. J Gen Physiol 1 December 1995; 106 (6): 1211–1224. doi:
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