Recent advances in the technology of recording magnetic fields associated with electric current flow in biological tissues have provided a means of examining action currents that is more direct and possibly more accurate than conventional electrical recording. Magnetic recordings are relatively insensitive to muscle movement, and, because the recording probes are not directly connected to the tissue, distortions of the data due to changes in the electrochemical interface between the probes and the tissue are eliminated. In vivo magnetic recordings of action currents of rat common peroneal nerve and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle were obtained by a new magnetic probe and amplifier system that operates within the physiological temperature range. The magnetically recorded waveforms were compared with those obtained simultaneously by conventional, extracellular recording techniques. We used the amplitude of EDL twitch force (an index of stimulus strength) generated in response to graded stimulation of the common peroneal nerve to enable us to compare the amplitudes of magnetically recorded nerve and muscle compound action currents (NCACs and MCACs, respectively) with the amplitudes of electrically recorded nerve compound action potentials (NCAPs). High, positive correlations to stimulus strength were found for NCACs (r = 0.998), MCACs (r = 0.974), and NCAPs (r = 0.998). We also computed the correlations of EDL single motor unit twitch force with magnetically recorded single motor unit compound action currents (SMUCACs) and electrically recorded single motor unit compound action potentials (SMUCAPs) obtained with both a ring electrode and a straight wire serving as a point electrode. Only the SMUCACs had a relatively strong positive correlation (r = 0.768) with EDL twitch force. Correlations for ring and wire electrode-recorded SMUCAPs were 0.565 and -0.366, respectively. This study adds a relatively direct examination of action currents to the characterization of the normal biophysical properties of peripheral nerve, muscle, and muscle single motor units.

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