The relationship between force and shortening velocity (F:V) in muscle is believed to reflect both the mechanics of the myosin cross-bridge and the kinetics of its interaction with actin. To date, the F:V for smooth muscle cells has been inferred from F:V data obtained in multicellular tissue preparations. Therefore, to determine F:V in an intact single smooth muscle cell, cells were isolated from the toad (Bufo marinus) stomach muscularis and attached to a force transducer and length displacement device. Cells were electrically stimulated at 20 degrees C and generated 143 mN/mm2 of active force per muscle cross-sectional area. At the peak of contraction, cells were subjected to sudden changes in force (dF = 0.10-0.90 Fmax) and then maintained at the new force level. The force change resulted in a length response in which the cell length (Lcell) rapidly decreased during the force step and then decreased monotonically with a time constant between 75 and 600 ms. The initial length change that coincided with the force step was analyzed and an active cellular compliance of 1.9% cell length was estimated. The maintained force and resultant shortening velocity (V) were fitted to the Hill hyperbola with constants a/Fmax of 0.268 and b of 0.163 Lcell/s. Vmax was also determined by a procedure in which the cell length was slackened and the time of unloaded shortening was recorded (slack test). From the slack test, Vmax was estimated as 0.583 Lcell/s, in agreement with the F:V data. The F:V data were analyzed within the framework of the Huxley model (Huxley. 1957. Progress in Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry. 7:255-318) for contraction and interpreted to indicate that in smooth muscle, as compared with fast striated muscle, there may exist a greater percentage of attached force-generating cross-bridges.
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1 May 1987
May 01 1987
Force: velocity relationship in single isolated toad stomach smooth muscle cells.
D M Warshaw
Online ISSN: 1540-7748
Print ISSN: 0022-1295
J Gen Physiol (1987) 89 (5): 771–789.
D M Warshaw; Force: velocity relationship in single isolated toad stomach smooth muscle cells.. J Gen Physiol 1 May 1987; 89 (5): 771–789. doi:
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