This study presents experiments related to the role of solvent drag and solute drag in the transmembrane movement of nonelectrolytes in a perfused rat intestine preparation. Conditions were chosen to simulate the effects of luminal hyperosmolarity on the permeability of tracer solutes. Data are presented on net water flux, transepithelial potentials, and lumen-to-blood and blood-to-lumen tracer solute movements during control electrolyte perfusion and after making the perfusate hyperosmotic. The results indicate that both solvent drag and solute drag can play significant roles in the transepithelial movement of solute and solute permeabilities in the rat ileum preparation. It is suggested that the potential roles of solvent drag and solute drag should be accounted for or considered during the characterization of the mechanisms of biological membrane function.
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1 March 1985
March 01 1985
Role of solute drag in intestinal transport.
T L Mullen
M Muller
J T Van Bruggen
Online ISSN: 1540-7748
Print ISSN: 0022-1295
J Gen Physiol (1985) 85 (3): 347–363.
T L Mullen, M Muller, J T Van Bruggen; Role of solute drag in intestinal transport.. J Gen Physiol 1 March 1985; 85 (3): 347–363. doi:
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