An assemblage of individual motoneurons constituting a synthetic motoneuron pool has been studied from the standpoint of relating monosynaptic reflex responses to frequency of afferent stimulation.

Intensity of low frequency depression is not a simple function of transmitter potentiality.

As frequency of stimulation increases from 3 per minute to 10 per second, low frequency depression increases in magnitude. Between 10 and approximately 60 per second low frequency depression apparently diminishes and subnormality becomes a factor in causing depression. At frequencies above 60 per second temporal summation occurs, but subnormality limits the degree of response attainable by summation.

At low stimulation frequencies rhythm is determined by stimulation frequency. Interruptions of rhythmic firing depend solely upon temporal fluctuation of excitability. At high frequency of stimulation rhythm is determined by subnormality rather than inherent rhythmicity, and excitability fluctuation leads to instability of response rhythm. In short, whatever the stimulation frequency, random excitability fluctuation is the factor disrupting rhythmic response.

Monosynaptic reflex response latency is stable during high frequency stimulation as it is in low frequency stimulation provided a significant extrinsic source of random bombardment is not present. In the presence of powerful random bombardment discharge may become random with respect to monosynaptic afferent excitation provided the latter is feeble. When this occurs it does so equally at low frequency and high frequency. Thus temporal summation is not a necessary factor. There is, then, no remaining evidence to suggest that the agency for temporal summation in the monosynaptic system becomes a transmitting agency in its own right.

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