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References Guidelines

All authors must be cited in the order in which they first appeared in publication and as they subsequently appear in PubMed, even in cases for which more than one author contributed equally to the work. Include all authors' names (i.e., do not use "et al."), year, complete article title, and inclusive page numbers. Abbreviate the names of journals according to PubMed; please spell out the names of unlisted journals.

In-text citations

Catalucci et al., 2009
Pedersen and Tsai, 2009
Wittman, 2009

In-text citations, preprints

Bai and Bembenek, 2016 Preprint

Examples of acceptable references

Journal articles with two authors

Foster, E.R., and J.A. Downs. 2009. Methylation of H3K4 and K79 is not strictly dependent on H2B K123 acetylation. J. Cell Biol. 184:631–638.

Journal articles with more than two authors

Takeuchi, H., Y. Imanaka, J. Hirono, and T. Kurahashi. 2003. Cross-adaptation between olfactory responses induced by two-subgroups of odorant molecules. J. Gen. Physiol. 122:255–264.

In press:

Myers, L.K., J.M. Stuart, and A.H. Kang. 1990. A CD4 cell is capable of transferring suppression of collagen-induced arthritis. J. Clin. Immunol. In press.

Online peer-reviewed articles

Published article with only DOI

Tang, C., and J.P. Klinman. 2001. The catalytic function of bovine lysyl oxidase in the absence of copper. J. Biol. Chem. doi:10.1074/jbc.C100138200.

Published article with both DOI and pagination

Tang, C., and J.P. Klinman. 2001. The catalytic function of bovine lysyl oxidase in the absence of copper. J. Biol. Chem. 276:30575–30578. doi:10.1074/jbc.C100138200.

Complete books

Myant, N.B. 1981. The Biology of Cholesterol and Related Steroids. Heinemann Medical Books, London. 882 pp.

Articles in books

Pink, J.R.L., O. Lassila, and O. Vainio. 1987. B-lymphocytes and their self-renewal. In Avian Immunology. A. Toivanen and P. Toivanen, editors. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. 65–78.

Electronic reference

Hesterberg, T. 2015. Resampling Functions. R package version 0.4. (accessed May 12, 2016).


Citation of abstracts in the reference list is not permitted.

Preprints and published data with DOI

Bai, X., and Bembenek, J. 2016. Separase protease activity is required for cytokinesis in addition to chromosome segregation. bioRxiv. (Preprint posted August 16, 2016)

Fleming, J. 2021. Images for titin-N2A Ig81-Ig83 pdb 7HAS. Version 2. Zenodo.

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