Vol. 182, No. 2, August 1, 1995. Pages 409–418.

The editors regret that in the original version of this article, the second paragraph on page 413 is the incorrect text. The corrected second paragraph appears below:

The results from one such experiment are shown in Fig 2. Starting at 0.3%, parasitemia ended at 2.8 % in control IgG wells and 0.45 % in HI-IgG wells. In control wells containing monocytes and N-IgG, the development of the successive stages occured normally, excepting the production of small numbers of picnotic parasites, occasionally observed in standard cultures. In contrast, in HI-IgG wells the ADCI effect was found to result in the progressive accumulation of uninucleate picnotic parasites which constituted half of the remaining parasites at 24 h and the majority at 48 h and 72 h. Over the first 24 h, the maturation of rings up to trophozoite stage was not markedly inhibited. However, there was a blocking effect at the late trophozoite stage with the accumulation of damaged uninucleate parasites. Of the few remaining schizonts seen at 48 h, some completed their maturation and released rein vading merozoites (see the proportion of schizonts at 48 h and of new rings at 72 h). Thus, over 72 h of culture there was a progressive accumulation of parasites at the uninucleate stage, i.e., altered trophozoites, and, in contrast, a seemingly more limited effect upon parasites that had reached the multinucleate stage. The accumulation of picnotic parasites was reproducibly observed at the completion of all ADCI assays.