Vol. 220, No. 11 | https://doi.org/10.1084/jem.20230101 | September 11, 2023
In the originally published article, the figure images for Figs. 4 and S4 were accidentally swapped with Figs. 5 and S5, respectively; the legends remain unchanged. The corrected figures and their legends are shown here.
In addition, figure citations and a typographical error were corrected in the Results and Materials and methods. Changes are indicated with underlined text as follows:
Antigen-presenting C1-B induce COL2-specific Treg proliferation in a contact-dependent manner
Despite the ability of C1-B in secreting IL10 (Fig. S3 C), we failed to detect a prominent proliferation of Tregs in the contactless set-up.
C1-B hold an antigen presentation signature and upregulate CCR7 and CD72 upon activation
While we showed that autoreactive C1-B exist in mice and men and on the transcriptional level mouse and human gene profiles are overall conserved, we chose to define the more relevant C1-B from HD by transcriptomics to later validate the hits in the mouse.
To better delineate the C1-B population, we immunophenotyped LN-derived cells from BQ mice 30 d after COL2 immunization (Fig. 5 K).
Materials and methods
Serum and cartilage samples
Serum samples, used in Fig. S1 F, from three different cohorts were employed.
These changes do not alter the conclusions of the manuscript. The errors appear in PDFs downloaded before September 20, 2023.