Sterile inflammation induced by repeated subcutaneous injections of turpentine in non-anemic, non-iron—deficient dogs, leads to a fall in plasma iron concentration, the development of a moderate anemia, and a marked delay in the uptake by the red blood cells of intravenous radioiron.
Similar periods of inflammation in anemic, iron-deficient dogs on a diet low in iron cause no increase in the degree of anemia and no inhibition of red blood cell uptake of intravenous radioiron.
Radioiron appears only in traces in abscess exudates.
Intravenous iron disappearance curves following a single injection are uninfluenced by sterile inflammation in either anemic or non-anemic dogs.
The impairment of hemoglobin synthesis caused by inflammation is at most a relative matter, since the anemia that develops is seldom severe or progressive, and since the inhibition can be overcome if the marrow is sufficiently stimulated by the demands of a severe continuing anemia.