A study has been made of the local effects following intramuscular injection of various neurotropic viruses.

Early massive necrosis of muscle fibers accompanied by edema and acute inflammatory reaction is produced by Jungeblut's SK virus even in low concentrations.

Similar but more slowly developing lesions follow the introduction of mouse encephalomyelitis GD-VII and FA strains. Strain 4727 (TO type) produces inflammatory changes with fibrosis in the intermuscular septa and necrosis of scattered individual fibers. The relatively avirulent FV strain (TO type) was not pathogenic for skeletal muscle.

The Mitchell strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus gives rise to a profuse lymphocytic and monocytic infiltration of the fat and connective tissue but does not cause necrosis of muscle fibers.

No significant lesions resulted from intramuscular injection of the murine-adapted human poliomyelitis Lansing virus, the HF strain of herpes, a strain of Eastern equine encephalitis virus, or a still unidentified demyelinating mouse virus.

Evidence is presented that the mouse encephalomyelitis virus GD-VII and Jungeblut's SK virus multiply locally in the injected limb. The GD-VII virus has been passed through four muscle to muscle passages and muscle lesions have been elicited at the same time.

Specific and complete protection against myositis was obtained by anti-GD-VII and anti-SK rabbit sera.

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