Inflammatory cytokines are fundamental mediators of the organismal response to injury, infection, or other harmful stimuli. To elucidate the early and mostly direct transcriptional signatures of inflammatory cytokines, we profiled all immunologic cell types by RNAseq after systemic exposure to IL1β, IL6, and TNFα. Our results revealed a significant overlap in the responses, with broad divergence between myeloid and lymphoid cells, but with very few cell-type-specific responses. Pathway and motif analysis identified several main controllers (NF-κB, IRF8, and PU.1), but the largest portion of the response appears to be mediated by MYC, which was also implicated in the response to γc cytokines. Indeed, inflammatory and γc cytokines elicited surprisingly similar responses (∼50% overlap in NK cells). Significant overlap with interferon-induced responses was observed, paradoxically in lymphoid but not myeloid cell types. These results point to a highly redundant cytokine network, with intertwined effects between disparate cytokines and cell types.

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