1. In crossing strains known to diner in their tumor rates, the hybrids show in a considerable number of cases a tumor rate corresponding to the parent with a high tumor incidence; in some cases the offspring have the tumor rate of the parent with the low tumor incidence; in certain cases the tumor rate of the offspring is intermediate between those of the parents.

That these results are not accidental follows from the fact that we could show in some cases that two sisters crossed with the same strains or with the same male give similar offspring, and in other cases we could show that the same individual crossed successively with two strains that behave similarly produces hybrids with a similar tumor incidence.

2. There exists some evidence for the conclusion that different strains in being crossed with other strains differ in their power to impress their tumor rate upon the crosses. Thus the English strain and the I and II daughters of No. 10 have the tendency to transmit to the offspring a high tumor rate, while Cream, Silver, and some European other than 151 have a tendency to transmit a low tumor rate. While crosses of these daughters of No. 10 with European 151 or with No. 8½ show the high tumor rate of the mothers, the crosses of one of the same females with Cream or Silver show an intermediate tumor rate.

3. We find further evidence for our conclusion previously stated that age class, of the tumors and tumor rate are not dependent on the same factor. The age class enters into the crosses as a factor independent of the tumor rate. Thus we find in the crosses between the first daughter of No. 10 and Cream, and in the crosses between the same female and English Silver a similar tumor rate, but the age classes differ in conformity with the difference in the age classes of the parents.

We find, furthermore, that while in some cases a tumor rate and an age class that correspond to each other (high tumor rate, early tumors—low tumor rate, late tumors) are transmitted to the offspring, in other cases tumor rate and age class transmitted to the crosses diverge.

4. It seems that certain strains with very late tumors if mated with strains with earlier tumors have a tendency to transmit to the offspring their own tendency to very late tumors. With a certain strain lateness of the tumors seems to be dominant, while a low tumor rate is not necessarily dominant in the same crosses. This was noticeable in the crosses into which the strain European ± 102 or 103 entered as one of the parents.

5. If both parents have a similar tumor rate the offspring have usually a similar tumor rate. There was, however, one exception to this rule in the case of the German ± Carter mice, in which the offspring showed a much lower tumor rate and higher age class than either of the parent strains.

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