Mice expressing the immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy (H) chain variable (V) region from a rearranged VH12 gene inserted into the IgH locus generate predominantly B-1 cells, whereas expression of two other VH region transgenes (VHB1-8 and VHglD42) leads to the almost exclusive generation of conventional, or B-2, cells. To determine the developmental potential of B cells bearing two distinct B cell antigen receptors (BCRs), one favoring B-1 and the other favoring B-2 cell development, we crossed VH12 insertion mice with mice bearing either VHB1-8 or VHglD42. B cells coexpressing VH12 and one of the other VH genes are readily detected in the double IgH insertion mice, and are of the B-2 phenotype. In mice coexpressing VH12, VHB1-8 and a transgenic κ chain able to pair with both H chains, double H chain–expressing B-2 cells, and B-1 cells that have lost VHB1-8 are generated, whereas VHB1-8 single producers are undetectable. These data suggest that B-1 but not B-2 cells are selected by antigenic stimuli in whose delivery BCR specificity and surface density are of critical importance.

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