Radioresistant host elements mediate positive selection of developing thymocytes, whereas bone marrow-derived cells induce clonal deletion of T cells with receptors that are strongly autoreactive. In contrast to T cell development, little is known about the elements governing the natural killer (NK) cell repertoire, which, similar to the T cell repertoire, differs between individuals bearing different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) phenotypes. We have used murine bone marrow transplantation models to analyze the influence of donor and host MHC on an NK cell subset. We examined the expression of Ly-49, which is strongly expressed on a subpopulation of NK cells of H-2b mice, but not by NK cells of H-2a mice, probably because of a negative effect induced by the interaction of Ly-49 with Dd. To evaluate the effect of hematopoietic cell H-2a expression on Ly-49 expression of H-2b NK cells, we prepared mixed allogeneic chimeras by administering T cell-depleted allogeneic (B10.A, H-2a) and host-type (B10, H-2b) marrow to lethally irradiated B10 mice, or by administering B10. A marrow to B10 recipients conditioned by a nonmyeloablative regimen. Expression of H-2a on bone marrow-derived cells was sufficient to downregulate Ly-49 expression on both H-2a and H-2b NK cells. This downregulation was thymus independent. To examine the effect of H-2a expressed only on radioresistant host elements, we prepared fully allogeneic chimeras by administering B10 bone marrow to lethally irradiated B10.A recipients. B10 NK cells of these fully allogeneic chimeras also showed downregulation of Ly-49 expression. The lower level of H-2a expressed on H-2b x H-2a F1 cells induced more marked downregulation of Ly-49 expression on B10 NK cells when presented on donor marrow in mixed chimeras than when expressed only on radioresistant host cells. Our studies show that differentiation of NK cells is determined by interactions with MHC molecules expressed on bone marrow-derived cells and, to a lesser extent, by MHC antigens expressed on radioresistant host elements.
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1 July 1993
July 01 1993
Hematopoietic cells and radioresistant host elements influence natural killer cell differentiation.
M Sykes,
M Sykes
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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M W Harty,
M W Harty
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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F M Karlhofer,
F M Karlhofer
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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D A Pearson,
D A Pearson
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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G Szot,
G Szot
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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W Yokoyama
W Yokoyama
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
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M Sykes
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
M W Harty
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
F M Karlhofer
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
D A Pearson
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
G Szot
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
W Yokoyama
Transplantation Research Biology Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02129.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1993) 178 (1): 223–229.
M Sykes, M W Harty, F M Karlhofer, D A Pearson, G Szot, W Yokoyama; Hematopoietic cells and radioresistant host elements influence natural killer cell differentiation.. J Exp Med 1 July 1993; 178 (1): 223–229. doi:
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