Current evidence suggests both thymic and extrathymic origins for T cells. Studies in mice favor an in situ origin for a prominent population of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes that express gamma/delta T cell receptor (TCR). This developmental issue is explored in an avian model in which the gamma/delta lymphocytes constitute a major T cell subpopulation that is accessible for study during the earliest stages of lymphocyte development. In the chick embryo, cells bearing the gamma/delta TCR appear first in the thymus where they reach peak levels on days 14-15 of embryogenesis, just 2 d before gamma/delta T cells appear in the intestine. Using two congenic chick strains, one of which expresses the ov antigen, we studied the origin and kinetics of intestinal colonization by gamma/delta T cells. The embryonic gamma/delta+ thymocytes homed to the intestine where they survived for months, whereas an embryonic gamma/delta- thymocyte population enriched in thymocyte precursors failed to give rise to intestinal gamma/delta+ T cells. Embryonic hemopoietic tissues, bone marrow, and spleen, were also ineffective sources for intestinal gamma/delta+ T cells. Intestinal colonization by gamma/delta+ thymocytes occurred in two discrete waves in embryos and newly hatched birds. The data indicate that intestinal gamma/delta T cells in the chicken are primarily thymic migrants that are relatively long-lived.
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1 February 1993
February 01 1993
Thymic origin of embryonic intestinal gamma/delta T cells.
D Dunon,
D Dunon
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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M D Cooper,
M D Cooper
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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B A Imhof
B A Imhof
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
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D Dunon
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
M D Cooper
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
B A Imhof
Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1993) 177 (2): 257–263.
D Dunon, M D Cooper, B A Imhof; Thymic origin of embryonic intestinal gamma/delta T cells.. J Exp Med 1 February 1993; 177 (2): 257–263. doi:
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