IL-4, a pleiotropic cytokine produced by T lymphocytes, plays an important role in immune responsiveness by regulating proliferation and differentiation of a variety of lymphoid and myeloid cells via binding to high affinity receptors. In this report we describe the isolation and functional expression of a human IL-4-R cDNA. When transfected into COS-7 cells, the cDNA encodes a 140-kD cell-surface protein. After transfection into a murine T cell line, the cDNA encodes a protein that binds human IL-4 with high affinity and can confer responsiveness to human IL-4. The predicted extracellular domain of the IL-4-R exhibits significant amino acid sequence homology with the beta subunit of the IL-2-R (p75), and the receptors for IL-6, erythropoietin, and prolactin. These receptors comprise a novel superfamily with extracellular domains characterized by four conserved cysteine residues and a double tryptophan-serine (WSXWS) motif located proximal to the transmembrane region.
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1 March 1990
March 01 1990
Human interleukin 4 receptor confers biological responsiveness and defines a novel receptor superfamily.
R L Idzerda,
R L Idzerda
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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C J March,
C J March
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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B Mosley,
B Mosley
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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S D Lyman,
S D Lyman
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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T Vanden Bos,
T Vanden Bos
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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S D Gimpel,
S D Gimpel
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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W S Din,
W S Din
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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K H Grabstein,
K H Grabstein
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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M B Widmer,
M B Widmer
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
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L S Park
L S Park
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
Search for other works by this author on:
R L Idzerda
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
C J March
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
B Mosley
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
S D Lyman
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
T Vanden Bos
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
S D Gimpel
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
W S Din
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
K H Grabstein
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
M B Widmer
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
L S Park
Immunex Corporation, Seattle, Washington 98101.
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1990) 171 (3): 861–873.
R L Idzerda, C J March, B Mosley, S D Lyman, T Vanden Bos, S D Gimpel, W S Din, K H Grabstein, M B Widmer, L S Park; Human interleukin 4 receptor confers biological responsiveness and defines a novel receptor superfamily.. J Exp Med 1 March 1990; 171 (3): 861–873. doi:
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