Genomic clones encompassing the entire coding region of the mouse lymphocyte pore-forming protein gene (Pfp) have been isolated and used to determine its intron-exon organization. In contrast to C9, Pfp has a simple structure, consisting of only three exons (two of which encode polypeptide), a large 5' intron, and a single, smaller intron that is situated approximately one-third of the way through the protein-coding portions of the gene. The regions encoding the homologous domains of PFP and C9 are encoded on exons 7, 8, 9, and 10 of C9, but form only approximately half of the open reading frame of exon III in Pfp. Although encoding polypeptides with related functions, the two genes possess such sharply contrasting structures as to suggest that their analogous regions may have risen independently, by a process of convergent evolution. Using a panel of somatic cell hybrid cell lines, Pfp has been mapped to chromosome 10.

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