Indomethacin given continuously in the drinking water (20 micrograms/ml) to BALB/cAn pi mice during the latent period of pristane-induced plasmacytoma development dramatically reduced the plasmacytoma incidence from 34.9 to 2.2%. Additionally, indomethacin given from day 0 to 120 or begun as late as 60 d after a single injection of 1.0 ml pristane was also highly effective in reducing the development of plasmacytomas. Indomethacin treatment did not prevent the formation of a peritoneal inflammatory exudate or peritoneal oil granulomatous tissue, although it had a mild inhibitory effect on the intensity of the cellular inflammation, particularly after extensive treatment of greater than 100 d. Indomethacin treatment reduced the incidence of arthritis by 50%. A major effect of indomethacin treatment was a reduction in the appearance of microscopic plasmacytomas that appear in the oil granuloma before plasmacytomas can be detected by routine sampling of the peritoneal exudate. Between days 116 and 181, 16 of 20 mice given 0.5 ml pristane were found to have foci of plasmacytoma cells, while only 2 of 20 indomethacin-treated mice had foci-containing plasmacytoma cells. The number of mice with microscopic foci in the pristane-treated group greatly exceeded the expected incidence of plasmacytomas (22%) at this dose of pristane. The growth of primary plasmacytomas in transplant that is dependent on the pristane-conditioned peritoneal environment was not inhibited by indomethacin treatment. The role of indomethacin in inhibiting plasmacytoma development was not established; two possibilities are that it inhibits production of mutagenic and tissue destructive oxidants by inflammatory cells, and it inhibits prostaglandin synthesis and intracellular production of oxidant biproducts.
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1 May 1985
May 01 1985
Inhibition of plasmacytoma development in BALB/c mice by indomethacin.
M Potter
J S Wax
A O Anderson
R P Nordan
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1985) 161 (5): 996–1012.
M Potter, J S Wax, A O Anderson, R P Nordan; Inhibition of plasmacytoma development in BALB/c mice by indomethacin.. J Exp Med 1 May 1985; 161 (5): 996–1012. doi:
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