The mechanism by which LPS stimulates an acute phase serum amyloid A (SAA) response in C3H mice has been studied. A factor (SAA inducer) appears in the blood of C3H/HeN (lipopolysaccharide [LPS]-sensitive) mice approximately 1 h after administration of LPS, which, when passively administered, can induce C3H/HeJ mice to produce SAA although they are resistant to the LPS itself. SAA inducer has been detected in the culture medium of LPS treated C3H/HeN macrophages but not spleen cells. Thus, two stages in the induction of the acute phase SAA response are now recognized: a latent period of 2-3 h during which the SAA concentration remains at baseline values and in which SAA inducer appears, and the period of synthesis of SAA which lasts for approoximately 24 h past induction. It is proposed that a macrophage response to LPS is responsible for production of the serum mediator which induces SAA synthesis.
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19 September 1979
September 01 1979
Detection of a mediator derived from endotoxin-stimulated macrohpages that induces the acute phase serum amyloid A response in mice.
J D Sipe
S N Vogel
J L Ryan
K P McAdam
D L Rosenstreich
Online ISSN: 1540-9538
Print ISSN: 0022-1007
J Exp Med (1979) 150 (3): 597–606.
J D Sipe, S N Vogel, J L Ryan, K P McAdam, D L Rosenstreich; Detection of a mediator derived from endotoxin-stimulated macrohpages that induces the acute phase serum amyloid A response in mice.. J Exp Med 19 September 1979; 150 (3): 597–606. doi:
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