The presence of H-2 gene products on mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) supressor factor was investigated by passage of MLR-suppressor factor (SF) over solid immunoadsorbents prepared with various anti-H-2 subregion sera. Antisera with specificity for all or certain I subregion determinants removed or significantly reduced suppressor activity; adsorption was not consistent with K or D region specificity. The single I subregion specificity common to all adsorbing preparations was I-C. Serologic differentiation of I-C products of k and d haplotypes expressed on MLR-SF was established with antisera prepared in I-Cd/I-Ck disparate strain combinations. These sera define allelic T cell restricted Lad determinants encoded by I-C genes. MLR-SF prepared from (BALB/c X CBA)F1 mice and exposed to the I-Cd and I-Ck specific adsorbents demonstrated d and k haplotype specific adsorption respectively. F1 suppressor activity adsorbed on an anti-I-Cd column was eluted by glycine-HCl buffer and suppressed only BALB/c (H-2d) responses. B10.A suppressor activity was removed by anti-I-Cd sera, but was unaffected by anti-I-Ck sera, indicating that B10.A suppressor activity is encoded by an I-C subregion derived from the d haplotype. Antisera with anti-I-Jk specificity did not remove suppressor activity of various H-2k factors. Finally, adsorption with antisera directed against H-2-associated determinants of the allogeneic cell used to stimulate suppressor factor generation demonstrated that sensitizing alloantigens are not components of MLR suppressor factor. Thus among the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-controlled suppressor factors, MLR suppressor factor is uniquely determined by the I-C subregion.

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