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In This Issue

In Focus

Kinetochore proteins form extended filaments that could promote checkpoint activation and microtubule capture.

People & Ideas

Fredberg takes a physical approach to model mechanical properties of cells and tissues.

From the Archive

In the early 2000s, researchers redefined the organization and function of the endosomal system.



In Special Collection: JCB65: Lipid and Membrane Biology

Substitutions in Vps13 suppress all measured phenotypic consequences of ERMES deficiency, and Vps13 dynamically localizes to vacuole–mitochondria and to vacuole–nucleus contact sites depending on growth conditions, suggesting that ERMES function can be bypassed by the activity of other contact sites, and that contact sites establish a growth condition–regulated organelle network.

Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, expressed on the outermost lamellae of the myelin sheath, is a novel and specific binding partner for NGF that may modulate local concentrations of the neurotrophin in the spinal cord microenvironment.


A subset of inner and outer kinetochore proteins responsible for lateral attachment and spindle checkpoint signaling in Xenopus egg extracts collaboratively coalesce into micrometer-scale filamentous protrusions in the absence of microtubules.

KLP-7/MCAK regulates kinetochore–microtubule attachment and spindle tension to promote the coalescence of early spindle pole foci, which produces a bipolar structure during the acentrosomal process of oocyte meiotic spindle assembly in C. elegans.

T cell precursors undergo asymmetric cell division after T cell receptor genomic recombination, with stromal cell cues controlling the differential inheritance of fate determinants Numb and α-Adaptin by the daughters of a dividing DN3a T cell precursor.

Phosphatidic acid is the first lipid required for protein-independent membrane insertion and assembly of a mitochondrial membrane protein.

The crystal structures of the N-terminal cytosolic domain of Sey1p shed light on the mechanism of Sey1p-mediated ER membrane fusion.

In Special Collection: JCB65: Autophagy

TRIM20 and TRIM21 are mediators of IFN-γ–induced autophagy, which act as autophagic receptor regulators that target specific inflammasome components and type I interferon response regulators for degradation by precision autophagy.

Prosaposin directly interacts with progranulin and facilitates progranulin lysosomal trafficking via the trafficking receptors M6PR and LRP1, independent of the previously identified progranulin trafficking pathway mediated by sortilin.

BDNF exerts inotropic function in the adult mammalian heart through TrkB.T1 receptor and loss of this ligand/receptor system in cardiomyocytes impairs calcium signaling and causes cardiomyopathy, suggesting an essential physiological role for this pathway in cardiac function.

Rab-coupling protein–mediated integrin trafficking promotes filopodia formation via RhoA-ROCK-FHOD3, generating non-lamellipodial actin spike protrusions that drive cancer cell migration in 3D extracellular matrix and in vivo.


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