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Study uncovers mechanism for integrating microtubules and actin.

People & Ideas

Blanpain studies stem cell maintenance and repair of embryonic and adult tissues.




At the same time that BubR1 acts as a pseudosubstrate inhibitor in the spindle assembly checkpoint complex to inhibit Cdc20, Mad2 binds to Cdc20 to prevent activation of APC/C and subsequent mitotic exit when chromosome attachment is not complete.

The structure of the complex of CCM1/KRIT1 and HEG1 defines a new mode of membrane protein anchorage important for cell–cell junctions and cardiovascular development.


Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein binds to and stabilizes CIITA at PML nuclear bodies, which promotes expression of the MHC class II gene locus in response to interferon-γ exposure.

S-nitrosylation of B23/nucleophosmin mediates neuroprotective effects by binding SIAH1, displacing GAPDH, and preventing SIAH1 E3 ligase activity.

Transcriptional regulation by Rb–E2F and posttranscriptional regulation by microRNAs control the expression of cell cycle and DNA replication genes and restrict cellular proliferation.

Dynein is anchored at the plasma membrane by a ternary complex comprising NuMA–LGN–Gα and thus ensures correct spindle positioning

Structural analysis of the WHAMM–microtubule interaction provides insight into WHAMM’s coordination of microtubule binding, membrane association, and actin nucleation.

Hep1 acts as a specialized chaperone to mediate the de novo folding of yeast mitochondrial Hsp70.

The Cbp3–Cbp6 complex, which has been shown previously to promote cytochrome b synthesis and assembly, plays a key role in adjusting cytochrome b expression to the efficiency of assembly of the respiratory chain bc1 complex.

An inducible dynein heavy chain 1b mutant reveals that robust retrograde intraflagellar transport is required for flagellar assembly and function but not the maintenance of flagellar length.

Group I p21-activated kinases organize actin filaments in myoblasts into dense foci, which promote podosome invasion and subsequent myoblast fusion.

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