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In This Issue

In Focus

Kinase guides membrane trafficking to specify where wing hairs emerge.

People & Ideas

Cohen-Fix studies how cells determine and maintain their nuclear morphology.


Beyond the Cell


Aurora B phosphorylation antagonizes the interaction between the Ska complex and the KMN network, thereby controlling Ska recruitment to kinetochores and stabilization of kinetochore–microtubule attachments.


Rather than directly impairing 26S proteasomes, misfolded huntingtin may disrupt cellular proteostasis and lead to competition for limited 26S proteasome capacity.

JunB helps set in motion the transcriptional program necessary for the epithelial–mesenchymal transition and tissue fibrosis in response to TGF-β.

CK1-γ/gilgamesh spatially limits the planar cell polarity–regulated process of trichome formation in Drosophila through its effect on polarized vesicle recycling.

The PAR-3–aPKC–PAR-6 complex is recruited to primordial cell–cell junctions, in which aPKC phosphorylates JAM-A to promote junctional maturation.

A specialized subset of VE-cadherin adhesions senses cytoskeletal force and recruits Vinculin to control the stability of endothelial cell–cell junctions during their force-dependent remodeling.

Sperm navigate in a chemoattractant gradient by translating changes in intracellular calcium concentration over time into changes in curvature of the swimming path.

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