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On the cover
An insect cell infected with the baculovirus AcMNPV accumulates viral particles (green) at the tips of cell surface spikes containing F-actin (red). Ohkawa et al. reveal that actin polymerization propels the virus around the cytoplasm, speeding its transit to both the nucleus and the cell surface.
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In This Issue
In Focus
Repetitive but not redundant
Satellite DNA found at centromeres promotes correct spindle–chromosome attachments.
People & Ideas
Sandra Schmid: Collaring endocytosis
Schmid explores how the dynamin GTPase pinches off endocytic vesicles.
Epigenetic centromere specification directs aurora B accumulation but is insufficient to efficiently correct mitotic errors
Aurora B activity is inhibited when centromeric repeat sequences are absent, although kinetochores can still assemble.
Actin-based motility drives baculovirus transit to the nucleus and cell surface
This virus takes a less-travelled cytoskeletal road both to reach its replication site in the nucleus and to get back to the plasma membrane to escape the host cell.
DNA damage signaling in response to double-strand breaks during mitosis
Dividing cells can sense DNA damage and initiate a primary response, but repair isn’t completed until the cells enter G1.
Oscillations in Cdc14 release and sequestration reveal a circuit underlying mitotic exit
The phosphatase Cdc14 exerts negative feedback on its upstream regulators to limit its release from the nucleolus to once per cell cycle.
In vivo evidence for the fibrillar structures of Sup35 prions in yeast cells
Correlative light and electron microscopy provides support for the linear amalgamation of yeast prion proteins.
Ras-mediated activation of the TORC2–PKB pathway is critical for chemotaxis
RasC controls the spatial and temporal activity of TORC2 to regulate directional cell migration.
Type I PIPK-α regulates directed cell migration by modulating Rac1 plasma membrane targeting and activation
PIPKI-α does a job other PIPKI isoforms cannot; it recruits Rac1 to the plasma membrane upon integrin activation, spatially regulating the actin-organizing GTPase during migration.
Wnt5b–Ryk pathway provides directional signals to regulate gastrulation movement
The soluble ligand Wnt5b repels cells expressing the Ryk (related to tyrosine kinase) receptor, establishing directional motility during gastrulation.
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