Vol. 195 No. 7, December 26, 2011. Pages 1185–1203.

The bottom two panels in Fig. 5 C were erroneously reversed in this article. The correct panels appear below.

The html and pdf versions of this article have been corrected. The error remains only in the print version.

(C) PLA was performed using primary antibodies directed against Dsg2 or Dsc2 coupled with KIF3A antibodies on nontargeting (NT) siRNA (siNT; top) or siKIF3A-treated Scc9 cells (middle). Red particles were quantified, showing significant Dsc2–KIF3A interactions (***, P < 0.001) compared with Dsg2–KIF3A, which were abrogated upon KIF3A knockdown (bottom). Number of cells per condition = ~240. Bars, 20 μm.

(C) PLA was performed using primary antibodies directed against Dsg2 or Dsc2 coupled with KIF3A antibodies on nontargeting (NT) siRNA (siNT; top) or siKIF3A-treated Scc9 cells (middle). Red particles were quantified, showing significant Dsc2–KIF3A interactions (***, P < 0.001) compared with Dsg2–KIF3A, which were abrogated upon KIF3A knockdown (bottom). Number of cells per condition = ~240. Bars, 20 μm.

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