The regulation of the synthesis of muscle-specific proteins has been examined in BC3H1 cells, a smooth muscle-like cell line isolated by Schubert et al. (J. Cell Biol., 1974, 61: 398-413.). The synthesis of both creatine kinase and the acetylcholine receptor appear to be under dual control, a positive control due to cell-cell contact which increases the rate of synthesis of this protein, and a negative signal, elicited by serum components, that decreases the rate of synthesis of these proteins. Induction of muscle-specific proteins in BC3H1 cells is a reversible process and can be arrested after partial induction has taken place by the addition of serum or high-molecular-weight protein fraction from serum to these cells. The high-molecular-weight protein fraction from serum is not by itself mitogenic for Bc3H1 cells and cannot be replaced by a variety of known hormones (mitogenic factors).
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1 February 1982
February 01 1982
Multiple controls for the synthesis of muscle-specific proteins in BC3H1 cells.
R Munson, Jr
K L Caldwell
L Glaser
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1982) 92 (2): 350–356.
R Munson, K L Caldwell, L Glaser; Multiple controls for the synthesis of muscle-specific proteins in BC3H1 cells.. J Cell Biol 1 February 1982; 92 (2): 350–356. doi:
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