Past studies of norepinephrine-stimulated protein phosphorylation in intact C-6 glioma cells had identified a 58,000 molecular weight, 5.7 isoelectric point protein (58K-5.7) as a cyclic AMP-dependent phosphoprotein and had shown that 58K-5.7 was one of the most abundant proteins of the nuclear fraction. Initial experiments of present studies showed that the 58K-5.7 protein remained with the nuclear ghost, or matrix structure, after removal of chromatin. Based on the size, acidity, abundance, nonsolubilization by nonionic detergent and salt, and solubilization by urea, the hypothesis was advanced that the 58K-5.7 protein was the vimentin-type intermediate filament protein. The hypothesis was tested by two types of immunochemical experiments. Antisera against hamster vimentin reacted selectively with only the 58K-5.7 protein in polyacrylamide gels of urea-solubilized cellular residues (i.e., nonionic detergent and 0.6 M salt-insoluble material) as determined by immunoautoradiography. Antisera against the pure 58K-5.7 protein of C-6 cells bound selectively to a fibrous array of cellular material typical of vimentin filaments as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. It is concluded that the 58K-5.7 protein is vimentin.
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1 September 1981
September 01 1981
Vimentin: a phosphoprotein under hormonal regulation.
E T Browning
M M Sanders
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1981) 90 (3): 803–808.
E T Browning, M M Sanders; Vimentin: a phosphoprotein under hormonal regulation.. J Cell Biol 1 September 1981; 90 (3): 803–808. doi:
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