In quiescent cultures of 3T3 cells, plasminogen activator (PA) is found predominantly as a 75,000 dalton species. When quiescent cells are exposed to mitogenic agents such as phorbol myristate acetate, Ca++, or 25% serum, the absolute levels of PA in cell lysates may either increase or decrease. However, a consistent observation is that in the stimulated cultures PA is found predominantly as a 49,000 dalton species. This also is the predominant form of PA in growing and transformed cells. Concomitant with the mitogen-induced stimulation of the 49,000 dalton PA in quiescent cultures is a change in morphology to one that is characteristic of growing and transformed cells. The data suggest that PA is not operative in causing the morphological change that occurs with activation; however, the 49,000 dalton PA in particular is closely related to the pleiotypic response accompanying growth stimulation and transformation.
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1 September 1981
September 01 1981
Correlation between a specific molecular weight form of plasminogen activator and metabolic activity of 3T3 cells.
S Jaken
P H Black
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1981) 90 (3): 721–726.
S Jaken, P H Black; Correlation between a specific molecular weight form of plasminogen activator and metabolic activity of 3T3 cells.. J Cell Biol 1 September 1981; 90 (3): 721–726. doi:
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