ACTH inhibits DNA synthesis in normal rat and mouse tumor Y-1 adrenocortical cells within the same concentration range that it stimulates steroidogenesis. These processes can be independently regulated as demonstrated by the divergent actions of cytochalasin B on these cells. In the normal cells, cytochalasin B does not increase steroidogenesis in serum-free or serum-containing media, and it decreases the stimulation produced by ACTH. In the absence of serum, the Y-1 cells respond in a similar way. However, in serum-containing media, cytochalasin B increases steroidogenesis in these cells and does not inhibit the response to ACTH. In both cell types, cytochalasin B inhibits [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA by a mechanism different than that of ACTH. In the Y-1 cells, this inhibition is caused by a decreased uptake of [3H]thymidine into the cell, which probably reflects a decreased transport across the cell membrane. In the normal cells, cytochalasin B, like ACTH, does not affect [3H]thymidine transport, but it decreases DNA synthesis much more rapidly than does ACTH. This inhibition may be the result of the disruption of microfilaments by cytochalasinB, because our evidence indicates that it is not caused by a decrease in glucose uptake by the cells.
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1 July 1980
July 01 1980
Inhibition of DNA synthesis in adrenocortical cells by cytochalasin B.
M A McPherson
J Ramachandran
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1980) 86 (1): 129–134.
M A McPherson, J Ramachandran; Inhibition of DNA synthesis in adrenocortical cells by cytochalasin B.. J Cell Biol 1 July 1980; 86 (1): 129–134. doi:
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