The biosynthesis, processing, and secretion of parthormone and the effect of calcium on these processes were measured in dispersed porcine parthyroid cells incubated with [(35)S]methionine. Proparathormone was detected at 10 min, the earliest time measured, and was rapidly and apparently quantitatively converted to parathormone. The half-life of the prohomormone pool was 15 min. Secretion of parathormone was detected by 20 min. In pulse-chase experiments there was a period between 20 and 40 min during which the wave of newly-synthesized parathormone was secreted. After 40 min during little additional radioactive hormone was secreted, but dibutyryl cyclic AMP, an agent that can mobilize stored parathormone, when added to the incubation mixtures enhanced radioactive parathormone secretion but only after 60 min, although it increased net hormone secretion as determined by radioimmunoassay to the same extent at all times studied. When the ionized calcium concentration of the medium was lowered, more radioactive hormone was secreted at all times but the effect was greatest on that hormone that was synthesized less than 60 min previously ; however, net hormone secretion in contrast to radioactive hormone was enhanced equally at all intervals. These data could mean that the refractoriness to secretion of parathormone 40-60 min of age was related to maturation of secretory container preparatory to storage. Low calcium (0.5 mM) stimulated hormone secretion up to fivefold compared to high calcium (3.0 mM) but did not affect synthesis of parathormone or proparathormne or conversion of the latter to hormone. During processing at least 70 percent of the intracellular parathormone was lost, presumably through proteolysis and this degradation was greater at high calcium. These data have been interpreted in light of the concept that two secretable pools of parathormone exist within the parathyroid.
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1 December 1979
December 01 1979
Secretion and degradation of parathormone as a function of intracellular maturation of hormone pools
JJ Morrissey
DV Cohn
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1979) 83 (3): 521–528.
JJ Morrissey, DV Cohn; Secretion and degradation of parathormone as a function of intracellular maturation of hormone pools . J Cell Biol 1 December 1979; 83 (3): 521–528. doi:
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