Sea urchin DNA containing replication structures was isolated from two to four cell stage and blastula stage embryos, and examined by electron microscopy. In addition to the expected eye forms, we also observed molecules with large internal single-stranded gaps. Such structures were not present in DNA devoid of replicating molecules such as that isolated from sea urchin sperm. When the size of eye forms and interbubble distances between the two stages were compared, there was no detectable difference. In both stages, we observed two distinct size classes of bubbles and of interbubble distances. In the case of bubble sizes, the smaller size class was comprised of clustered microbubbles that ranged from 200 base pairs to 1 Kilobase (kb) with a mean of 432 base pairs. The large eye forms measured 1--35 kb with a mean of 6.8 kb. Interbubble distances also yielded two distinct populations, with the smaller class ranging from 400 base pairs to 2.3 kb (mean = 1.1 kb) and the larger population ranging from 2.8 to 36 kb (mean = 10.9 kb). Although other possibilities cannot be entirely excluded, the data support the contention that a substantial fraction of the larger eye-form population arises from the fusion of the clustered microbubbles.
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1 June 1979
June 01 1979
Size classes of replication units in DNA from sea urchin embryos.
M P Kurek
D Billig
P Stambrook
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1979) 81 (3): 698–703.
M P Kurek, D Billig, P Stambrook; Size classes of replication units in DNA from sea urchin embryos.. J Cell Biol 1 June 1979; 81 (3): 698–703. doi:
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