The early effects of deafferentation on the postsynaptic membrane beneath the end bulb of Held in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) were studied with the freeze-fracture technique. Three distinct responses were seen on the external membrane leaflet after cochlear ablation. Within 12 h the number of nonaggregate particles increased 147% by the addition of new particles to the membrane. The increase in number of nonaggregate particles continued until 4 days after cochlear ablation. The other responses occurred later, after degenerative changes were present in the end bulb. Between 1 and 2 days after cochlear ablation, the number of perisynaptic aggregates surrounding the postsynaptic active zone decreased to 10% of normal numbers. By 4 days, all perisynaptic aggregates had disappeared from the membrane. Coated vesicles may be involved in removing these aggregates. Between 1 and 3 days, the number of junctional aggregates decreased, but the size of the aggregates increased, apparently as a result of coalescence of nearby junctional aggregates. The total number of particles in junctional aggregates in the membrane was not altered during the first 6 days after cochlear ablation. The three separate responses suggest the existence of at least three different types of intramembranous particles on the external leaflet of the principal cell membrane, with each type dependent upon different cues for its maintenance in the membrane.
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1 December 1977
December 01 1977
Remodeling of neuronal membranes as an early response to deafferentation. A freeze-fracture study.
R L Gulley
R J Wenthold
G R Neises
Online ISSN: 1540-8140
Print ISSN: 0021-9525
J Cell Biol (1977) 75 (3): 837–850.
R L Gulley, R J Wenthold, G R Neises; Remodeling of neuronal membranes as an early response to deafferentation. A freeze-fracture study.. J Cell Biol 1 December 1977; 75 (3): 837–850. doi:
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